Thursday, November 23, 2006

A criminal waste of non-renewable fossil fuels

I was watching a game show on TV yesterday, and a participant claimed that he was the biggest NASCAR fan in the world. The mention of NASCAR provoked me to publish this post - what I consider a criminal waste of non-renewable fossil fuels.

I consider the use of petrol for entertainment such as; NASCAR, F-1, Air shows or any such races or shows, a criminal waste. Petrol is a natural non-renewable fuel. All the oil wells on Earth are going to run dry one day. Setting up a billion dollar entertainment industry around this non-renewable fuel is criminal. Just because some people get entertained watching racing cars and planes doing flips in mid-air, are we going to throw around this precious fuel? In my opinion, Governments all over the world have to take a strong stand against this and put an end to such usage of fuel. Yes, it will make many people unhappy - People involved in the racing industry, fans and going to be angry - well..tough! If they really want to watch racing cars, let them race battery operated cars. I know some people will say that we are wasting fuel in somany other ways too, why target only racing? What I have to say to that - Lets take things one at a time, racing cars is probably the biggest waste of fuels, so we target that first. Here are some statistics I found on the internet:
According to NASCAR, about 6,000 US gallons of fuel is consumed during a typical NEXTEL Cup weekend. For the 2006 season, which includes 36 points races, the total for the season would be 216,000 US gallons. One environmental critic recently estimated NASCAR's total fuel consumption across all series at 2 million US gallons (7.57 million liters) of gas for one season.
I rest my case!

My next target is large organizations (The ones that employ a lot of people), especially in North America. These money making machines have most employees driving cars. Car pools are almost negligible in number. Most cars are carrying one person to and fro. The companies, in their money making frenzy, do not realise (and even if they realise, do not care) the amount of fuel that is wasted in carrying one person to and fro every day.
Here is a solution to this problem...These companies will have to spend a lot of money if this solution is implemented -well, tough! They are profitable enough, so they might as well spend some money to save the environment. Think of it as an environment tax. So, here is the solution:
All companies that employ more than a certain number of people (say 1000, for arguments sake) should be forced to have a bus service for all their employees. Yes, ALL their employees, including the stinking rich Executives and CEOs (They can show-off their Mercs and BMWs on weekends, along with the family). This presents one problem - Bus services would enforce a start and end time on employees at work everyday. Companies love it when their employees stay back beyond office hours, and this solution is going to put an end to that. This is a problem for the company, I am sure the employees will not complain. This way we can be sure that people can spend time with their families too. Think of it as two birds with one stone. Will this affect the companies profits? Maybe. You want to make profits? Well that too, comes at price.
I did a project at HAL (In Bangalore) during my college days. HAL has buses for all their employees. Work started around 7.30AM and ended at around 3.30PM. At 3.15 a bell would ring, and every one would drop what ever they were doing and get into buses to be taken home. People travelling in a bus got to know each other well. Some people joked around, sang songs, played cards, it was fun. Hats off to HAL. So, here is a working example of this solution. All companies must be forced to implement this.